Linear Algebra Crash Course — Mathematics for Machine Learning and Generative AI [Full 7H]

Vahe Aslanyan
3 min readMay 19, 2024


In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI) and data science, proficiency in linear algebra is not just an advantage — it’s a necessity. Recognizing this critical skill gap, we are thrilled to announce the release of our 7-hour Crash Course in Linear Algebra, tailored specifically for AI and data science enthusiasts. This course is now available completely free on our YouTube channel, ensuring that everyone has access to the foundational skills needed to excel in these cutting-edge fields.

Essential Linear Algebra Concepts for Practical Applications

Linear algebra forms the backbone of most modern AI and machine learning algorithms. Our crash course is designed to equip you with essential linear algebra skills that are crucial for developing and understanding AI technologies. You will learn everything from basic vector and matrix operations to more complex structures that are essential for algorithms used in machine learning, such as singular value decomposition and eigen decomposition.

Designed for Efficiency and Depth

Whether you are preparing for an exam, refreshing your skills, or beginning your journey in data science, this course is structured to provide a comprehensive yet concise learning experience. It serves as a perfect complement to our in-depth 26-plus hour Linear Algebra Course, offering a quick refresher or a starting point for deeper exploration.

Why Linear Algebra is Critical for AI

Linear algebra is not just another mathematical theory but the very framework on which entire AI and machine learning models are built. Understanding linear algebra allows you to grasp how data is structured and manipulated within algorithms, providing the ability to not only use these models but also to innovate. From the basic operations that underpin neural networks to the complex transformations in deep learning, a solid grasp of linear algebra is crucial for any aspiring AI practitioner.

From Theory to Real-World Application

Our Linear Algebra Crash Course goes beyond theoretical knowledge, incorporating practical applications that you can see and use. Through carefully designed examples and guided exercises, you will see how linear algebra operates within actual AI and data science projects. This practical approach ensures that learners can apply their knowledge effectively in real-world scenarios.

Join Our Community of Learners

By joining our course, you will also become part of an active, engaging community of learners and professionals on our YouTube channel. This community support and interaction enhance the learning process, providing opportunities for collaboration and peer learning.

Easy Access and Flexible Learning

We understand that accessibility and flexibility are key for learning today. That’s why our course is available for free on YouTube, allowing you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, our course is there when you need it.

Future-Ready Skills

As industries increasingly adopt AI and machine learning, the demand for skilled professionals who understand the underlying mathematics is soaring. By mastering the concepts taught in this crash course, you will position yourself at the forefront of this technological revolution, equipped with the knowledge and skills to succeed.


Our Free 7-Hour Crash Course in Linear Algebra is more than just an educational resource; it is a gateway to future opportunities in AI and data science. With comprehensive content, practical applications, and an engaging learning platform, we provide all the tools you need to start your journey into the world of AI and machine learning. Don’t miss out on this chance to transform your understanding of linear algebra and enhance your capabilities in AI.



Vahe Aslanyan

Studying Computer Science and experienced with top tech firms, I co-founded LunarTech to revolutionize data science education. Join us for excellence.